WE CONTINUE OUR WAY DOWN THROUGH THE Exumas and are currently anchored with about 50 other cruisers at Big Major in between Staniel Cay and Samson Cay. The water here is amazing – it looks like we are in one endless aqua swimming pool. Some of the boats are so large that they have water slides from the top that dump people in the water. We are waiting here for a weather window to continue our way down to Georgetown in Great Exuma. We made some friends in Highbourne and have followed them to the next two stops. Our next stop was Compass Cay with Rachel’s Bubble Bath (detailed in Graham’s blog) and also where we tried to impress Johnny Depp with our Pirates of the Caribbean towel but he wasn’t around that day. Matt also went swimming with the sharks in Compass Cay – about 20! Not for the faint of heart.
Our first day at Big Major, we splashed the dink and went into Staniel Cay. As we were doing this against the current, we were soaking wet by the time we got there and had to go into the yacht club (bar) and buy clothes for Graham. The first thing we saw in the Staniel Cay Yacht Club, among the many burgees, was a life ring that said “FLOATING INTEREST” so a little shout out to the Drozdowskis and their boat at home. In Staniel, we went to the grocery stores where things were up to 5 years out of date, eggs were cracked, the limes were brown and the people were kind. So we treated ourselves to dinner.
Hey! That’s great!
Love to read about your big adventure and look forward to seeing you soon. It looks like someone had a “Floating Interest” that was a bit bigger than mine.
That’s where our life ring floated off to. We’ve been looking for it. Your pictures and blogs sound so wonderful. Jacob wants to know why I don’t love him enough to take him away like this. – Sara