Again a week has passed with no entries. It seems the days are so packed with relaxation there is scarcely time to write. I was saying to Matt last night that at home when we would go to bed, I would so look forward to sleep as relief from the day and I would often dread the chaos that the next day would hold. I noticed last night that I am now wishing that we could skip sleep because I so look forward to the adventures that each new day holds.
Last week we enjoyed a bikeride to a faraway beach. It was beautiful. We played Bingo for cash at the local watering hole – it was so fun! We went to the local Christmas Pageant in Hopetown where 52 kids practice every day for 10 weeks. It was fabulous. The proceeds send an orphanage full of kids from Nassau to camp for the summer. I can’t say enough about what a spectacular show it was. We made friends with a lovely couple from Connecticut who came to Hopetown on their sailboat and then decided to buy a house here. We went for a boatride with them and collected shells on the beach and ran with their beautiful golden retriever, Clyde. They let us use their cottage to fix our wind generator blades. We also climbed to the top of the Hope Town (Elbow Reef) Lighthouse for the best view yet. This is the lighthouse that is now the header picture on our blog with Troubadour in the foreground.
We have finally set up our DVD player and have been having family movie nights which have been so enjoyable. As Christmas approaches we are looking forward to cooking on the boat, just the 3 of us, and homemade gifts from the heart as everything sent from the States has a 150% customs tax on it.
When Matt and I were in the dinghy yesterday in Hopetown Harbour a HUGE (8 foot) dolphin swam right under the dinghy – it was such a thrill to see! Then we came into Manowar Cay and while I was up on the bow checking for shallows I kept seeing stingrays everywhere – very exciting stuff.
Love and blessings to you all during this holiday season,
Amy, Matt and Graham